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Architecture and Crime

I never thought people were that destructive …

It’s a jobb I wish I hadn’t done. “ 

Yamasaki about Pruitt Igoe


Safety for all: crime prevention through architecture and urban planning

  • cities, buildings and places free from crime
  • living spaces where everyone feels safe
  • wellbeing and quality of life for all
  • resource focus: stabilization and enhancement of built structures


Crime in living spaces: complexity and symptom control

  • new projects without the crime phenomenon in mind
  • lack of knowledge of actors
  • helplessness in dealing with crime
  • fear and the withdrawal of residents
  • having to live with crime in everyday life


Looking at causes through architectural psychology: understanding effects

  • safety can be planned
  • explain phenomena scientifically
  • understanding interrelationships and making them visible
  • analysis of built structures
  • implementation in planning & development


A holistic view aiming for long-term habitat quality

  • safety as a human right is a priority
  • empowerment for actors
  • environment free from crime 
  • residents can become active
  • tools for dealing with crime in your environment 
  • quality of life

Building demolition out of necessity

Are humans really that destructive?

This article provides information on indications that architecture is contributing to vacancy, crime, and even seemingly inevitable demolition. If architecture is considered early on, this can be avoided.


Learning from the mistakes of Pruitt Igoe

What recommendations can be provided?

The article summarizes some identified factors as lessons learned from the literature related to the failure of Pruitt Igoe. At the end, the usefulness of a human science analysis as performed by AAC is explained.


Lectures, analyses, consulting, workshops

The team

As the AAC team, Janine & Konrad draw attention to challenges related to crime and architecture and point out possible solutions. For them, cities and architecture have a social responsibility and task.

Konrad Melzer

Human centered architecture

Both have a classical university education in architecture and both are specialized in housing and architectural psychology. Janine & Konrad share a devoted interest in living spaces where coexistence and nature can flourish. Safe living spaces support the need for safety and are an essential human right for all.


Janine Müller


© ACC ArchitectureAndCrime 2023

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